Herd Sires

S S Webster J83
Registration Number: 20001799
Date of Birth: December 23, 2020
Sire: S S Niagara Z29
Dam: Ann S S B103

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S S Webster J83 was one our selections from the 2022 Midland Bull Test sale. Webster came to us from Stewart Select Angus, Indiana. This impressive young herd sire performed near the top of the list in terms of gain as he turned in a ADG ratio of 114 among some very stiff competition. His lineage speaks for itself when looking for high production females as his Pathfinder dam has recorded a nursing ration of 6@102 while his Pathfinder grand dam 7@107. When looking at Webster’s 3-generation pedigree one will find that there are 10 Pathfinders.

Molitor Program 022
Registration Number: 20533686
Date of Birth: 1/27/2022
Sire: D A R Propel T085
Dam: Molitor 452 Blackcap 330-760

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Molitor Program 022 was our selection from the 2023 Molitor Angus Bull Sale.  He is backed by 2 generations of Pathfinder Cows.  His dam,  Molitor 452 Blackcap 330-760, who we have been very fortunate to acquire her from the Molitor program, has turned in some very impressive data, posting 6@110 for Weaning, 5@109 YW, 2@111 for RE.  Not only is the data impressive, but her phenotype as well.  She will be entering our Embryo Transfer program this spring.  Program is an addition to our proven sire, D A R Propel T085.  He excels in several numerical categories such as, Top 1% for Docility, CW, RE, and $Feedlot.  His performance is great with Top 3 and 4% for WW and YW.  We look for his progeny to be both high performing and maternal.

Granger Pacific 112
Registration Number: 20147744
Date of Birth: February 13, 2021
Sire: Sterling Pacific 904
Dam: Granger Pride Rachel 685

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Granger Pacific 112 is a phenotypic standout that we picked out of the Granger Angus pen at the 2022 Midland Bull Test. This Sterling Pacific son is a true outcross for our program that is extremely balanced from both an EPD and phenotype standpoint. He adds extra power and muscle in a low birthweight sire. He was on display as a calf on the 2021 Montana Angus Tour and was a crowd favorite. His dam, Pride 685, also produced the high performance and efficiency sire, Granger Black Eagle 822, in the 2019 Midland Test.

Craft Fortune 104
Registration Number: 20100112
Date of Birth: January 9, 2021
Sire: Deer Valley Growth Fund
Dam: Craft Merle 141-751

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Craft Fortune is a Growth Fund son that is expected to add some power and stoutness to his progeny. He was one of our pick from the pen of Les Craft Angus, MT at the 2022 Midland Bull Test. His Windy Ridge dam has turned in 2@106 for NR and his Really Windy granddam has produced 7@100. Fortune is the highest performance bull that we’ve ever had in our herd sire lineup.

Molitor Swiftbrook 901
Registration Number: 20215073
Date of Birth: February 8, 2021
Sire: Ferguson Trailblazer 239E
Dam: Molitor Bank Pwrhouse728-984

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Molitor Swiftbrook was our top pick as the Lot 1 bull in the 2022 Molitor Angus Ranch Sale, Zenda, Kansas. Swiftbrook is a unique herd sire with powerful confirmation of muscle, depth, and correctness. He is very athletic in his type with great feet/legs and an easy moving ground consuming stride. He is named Swiftbrook as he stems back to George of Swiftbrook on both sides of his pedigree. He has the influence of all of the great sires used in the Molitor herd. He’s a true curve-bender bull with negative BW EPD matched with superior growth and added carcass merit qualities. He weaned off the cow with an impress 118 ratio, continued to have a 114 yearling ratio, with an ADG ratio of 109.

D A R Solomon Valley
Registration Number: 19647946
Date of Birth: 3/24/2019
Sire: D A R Hoover Dam N944
Dam: D A R Rita M7399
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D A R Solomon Valley is a powerfully built herd sire with tremendous carcass traits. He is the highest $C bull with have on the ranch that derived from two of the great Pathfinder sires, Hoover Dam and Styles Upgrade. His first set of calves will be offered in the 2023 bull sale. Look for his sons to power up a set of cows.

AI Sires for 2025 Sale

D A R Logo 1287
Registration Number: 20233662
Date of Birth: 2/22/2021
Sire: SITZ Logo 12964
Dam: HARB Princess Vel 980 JH
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“The Best Logo in the Land” He is one of the best bulls that we’ve raised. His son in the 2025 offering are stout made that carry added volume and rib shape. He’s very correct in his make-up. His Pathfinder dam, HARB Princess Vel 980 JH, could certainly deemed as one the best production cows in the breed. She turned in a record of 9@113 weaning ratio, and 7@107 at yearling, before entering our ET Program. Logo 1287 also has two maternal brothers working in the BEEF-360 lineup, HARB Hindquarter 473 JH and D A R Stockton 0101. He was our top selling bull in 2022 to Cedar Top Ranch, Scott Starr, Stapleton, NE.

D A R Propel T085
Registration Number: 19612156
Date of Birth: 4/01/2019
Sire: D A R Turbo R146
Dam: HARB Princess Vel Z88 JH
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Propel showcases a true example of Angus Breed Character! As you dive into his pedigree one will find the combination of 3 of the very best cows to walk the ranch, Princess Vel Z88, Princess Vel 980, and Maxine P104. This would explain why the Propel daughters have such eye appeal, as well as an average nursing ratio of 104! Propel is a heifer safe bull with high fertility, fleshing ability and performance. Makes sure to look up his son in our 2025 sale offering.

U-2 Coaltion 206C
Registration Number: 18626847
Date of Birth: 1/23/2015
Sire: HF Syndicate 213Z
Dam: U2 Erelite 109Z
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Coalition is a bull that we have used in the past and had great luck. He produced our top selling bull in 2021 to John Nilhas, Ks. With limited semen available we used him on in our ET program, right back on the Princess Vel 988 (the same mating as that 2021 top seller) in hopes of getting some daughters to retain back in the herd. We did get some really nice daughters as well as a few sons that look to be highlight material in the ’25 sale. Take a look at Coalition’s dam, U2 Erelite 109Z, and you’ll want a herd that matches her phenotype.

S Thrive JAS 5155
Registration Number: 18159105
Date of Birth: xx
Sire: xx
Dam: xx
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Thrive has excelled in the past few years for us, the sons have extra gas in the tank post weaning. They are heavy muscled, stout and sound structured, with the right scale and performance. He produced 2 of our top 5 selling bulls in 2024. But where he really excels in our eyes, is the daughters he produced. Big Volume, fancy made females with tremendous udder quality in an outcross pedigree. We chose to bring in one of his sons to our AI lineup, owned with Native Prairie Beef Genetics, D A R Expedition 3455. He was the 3rd high seller in 2024 from a proven donor female.

Montana Judgement 1038
Registration Number: 20193391
Date of Birth: 2/14/2021
Sire: Square B Atlantis 8060
Dam: Mill Brae FP Joanie 3063
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This is our first time using Judgement and we really like the style and design of these calves. At first glance, one can see that he is a phenotypic standout. His pedigree is maternally driven from his impressive dam, Joanie 3063. We chose to use him with the intentions of making stellar replacement females with length and depth of rib, and easy fleshing, high volume attributes that have a great look.

Raven Republic I564
Registration Number: 20143727
Date of Birth: 1/04/2021
Sire: E&B Plus One
Dam: Sitz Emma E 2738
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Republic was brought into our AI program with his ability to do many things right. He’s a powerfully built bull that calves easily, grows fast, inhibits added carcass value and has great maternal attributes behind him. These calves are easy to find when you get out in the pen among them with their presence and neat design.

Basin Jameson 1076
Registration Number: 20071781
Date of Birth: 1/18/2021
Sire: Basin Deposit 6249
Dam: Basin Joy 9140
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Jameson is an outcross sire in our herd with some arithmetic that is much higher octane than we’ve used. He ranks in the top tier of the breed in many traits across the board. These calves have fit into our group very well. Super long bodied, correct made, with a ton of performance and added carcass merit.

Millars Duke 816
Registration Number: 19343216
Date of Birth: 1/31/2018
Sire: B Bar Windy 7 3575
Dam: Millars Queen Lass 5273
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Duke is a high octane, calving ease sire that is backed by a Pathfinder Dam. He’s proven to produce productive type females with exquisite udders. These cattle are long spined and have added fertility. If you are looking for high performance calves and tremendous replacement females, these are your kind.

Pyramid Black Hills 1032
Registration Number: 20133744
Date of Birth: 2/12/2021
Sire: S A V America 8018
Dam: Glacial 1441 Blackbird 61C
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Black Hills offers modest birthweight with great performance. He’s back by the great Blackcap May 4136 on both sides of his pedigree. These cattle are long, deep and correct in their structure. Balanced cattle with great eye appeal that go out and work for you.

Granger Pacman 224
Registration Number: 20457383
Date of Birth: 2/17/2022
Sire: Sterling Pacific 904
Dam: Granger Eileen 937
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Pacman was raised by our friends, Jim & Beth Granger of Great Falls, Montana. He was the top gaining and high selling bull in the 2023 Treasure Bull Test Sale. He is backed my a Pathfinder dam, Grand Dam, and Great Grand dam that are front pasture kind females that are still all in production. He is very good on structure, added scrotal and will give an advantage in carcass traits.

GDAR Justified 914
Registration Number: 19464109
Date of Birth: 1/30/2019
Sire: KG Justified 3023
Dam: GDAR Forever Lady 7533
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Justified is very balance in his design, Solid problem free type progeny. He is calving-ease with a big top and wide based from the ground up. Justified 914s are simply good footed, athletic cattle that will go to work.

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